martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Changes to my study programme

Think about the changes in the study programs is a little bit frustrating, first of all, the changes have been awesome but even with all the changes we don´t have all that we need yet. Personally I believe that my career could have more things and knowledgement to give us the necessary skills to understand and apply of better way the chemistry.

One thing the study program of chemistry could change is the motivation for investigation, if we thinking about it, our programme study don´t have a big plan for motivate the investigation in the area, I think that we only learn but we don’t have the time for develop the logical thinking in challenging situations, maybe in the future we can investigate be students and that will mean an important advance for science. Other thing that I could change my study program is the evaluation way, I like that the university give us many knowledge, but think that could be better for us be evaluate I of a way that don´t generate anxiety in the students, I believe in study for love to art, so I believe in a world with happy students giving a test with many content. Other think that could make a big difference is improve the propagation of the chemistry career, I think that everybody can contribute to the knowledge, for that a program that considerate the option of give science to everybody can create big important things

As to the infrastructure and technology, I would like have a big library with a better system, I don’t like be limited to only ask for a book and can´t look at them all, on the other hand I would like that the faculty had more spaces for the students, and more places to eat a big varieties of food, also I think that is very important have special infrastructure to disabled people, the science should not have limits. If I start to dream, I also believe that in the future, the student can access to application with all material of all subjects, I think it would improve learning and would facilitate things to teachers and students 

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