martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018


Well, i personally believe that learn english  is very important to everybody, not only to have more oportunities in many jobs, i believe that english really facilitates many things, english help you to comunicate in a better way with people of other cultures, english help to understand inexplicable things, apart knowledgement is never unnecessary.

if you ask me about my experience learning english at the university i can say that this experience has been very important to me, in this subject i have learned many things that it have helped to me in various areas. Write blogs have helped me to improve my writing, facilitate my way of expressing myself, know more about my classmates, know different realities and different pleasures. Also in english class we talk with our classmates and between us we learn in a easy way, that's is very nice.

As to the aspects of my english i need to improved i think that vocabulary is the most important aspect, i can read, understand and talk many things but i consider that my vocabulary is very limited.

Outside the english class i use english to read, see movies and series in english, to understand the letters of my favorites songs and others, i believe with the time, know english is something that you incorporate in you life in a very strange way.

To finally i want to say that my experience in english at this university has been very nice, i hope keep learning and improve my vocabulary because i think that is my achilles heel


ENGLISH LANGUAGE CHALLENGES Well, i personally believe that learn english  is very important to everybody, not only to have more oportuni...